Friday, November 18, 2016

Modi Mania

I don' understand why there is so much fuss about Modi? I mean I admire him, he is one of the best Prine Minsters India had ever got - no doubt about that but why Indians especially Hindus have tendency to Godify everything??? Why it can not be looked at by human perspective meaning he is also a human being and have limitations every human has in one way or the other.

Hindus have traditionally to relate everything to phenomenon of God or some sort of superpower. Be it Prime Minster, some babaji, Guruji or whatever! The things I see now-a-days are very much unproportionate in terms of what he actually did i.e. discontinue the 500 and 1000 rupee bills. Don't get me wrong - whatever he did was a great thing and requires lot of courage for anyone and he deserves praises for that action however I think that by doing so he doesn't become a super human like Godly figure.

I think that's also something we did for Mahatma Gandhi. He was a great guy and better than average human being but the way he was portrayed was something I don't agree with. He was not a superman and I don't agree with certain things that he did like sleeping with girls to check for his celibacy, his role and stand during partition etc... That's what I'm trying to say that the person might have skills in certain things but that doesn't make him adroit in all fields. He might have limitation in other fields and he may be very inferior in certain fields.

We all experience that in one way or the other. We are better in something but have mediocre skills in other fields. Let's acknowledge that whatever Modi is doing is great but let's not glorify him as God!!! When such people depart, it creates a sense of vacuum and ordinary people will think what will happen now? Well the reality is nothing happens and people just move on with life. It is just anxiety that makes it look bigger than what it is in reality!

Hope it makes sense to you what I'm saying and you will agree with me.

Monday, November 14, 2016

What is Dharma?

Well, if somebody asks you this question you would naturally respond to it like Hindu, Jain, Sikh, Budhdhist, Muslim, Christian, Parsi or whatever. I'll say that dharma is not same as religion. The context the word has been used in sanatan dharma and Hindu scriptures is to say duty.

Yes, dharma is about duty and not religion. When Arjun asked the question to Shree Krishna at battlefield of Mahabharat, Lord Krishna gave him teachnings through Bhagwad-Gita. There he mentioned that it is Arjun's duty to fight this war against adharma. What does this mean? Has anyone really thought on it? In those days, there was only one dhrma - Sanatan - and that's it! The word Hindu came into prominence when other religions were created or flourished or proliferated.

This is in line with the duties assigned to a caste. Kshtriya's dharma is to fight, Brahmin's dharma is to give education, Vaishya's dharma is to do business and farming and Shudra's dharma is to engage into trades. The caste system was also created in this line as one can see now. I'm convinced there was no intention to say one caste is higher over another whoever formed it. Unfortunately and sadly that message was forgotten and we're here today!

Never mind, whatever happened happened in the past and we can't change it! But, now we all must make sure that we don't judge the other person based on his/her caste and religious affiliations. A human is a human and that's what matters!!!

Jai Hind!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Vegetarianism & Hinduism

Folks, I encounter this question all the time in community - does Hinduism forbid consumption of meat? Honestly speaking, I don't think that's the case!

Really, I mean if you study ancient Hindu scriptures then it isn't mentioned anywhere that Hindus shouldn't consume meat. I think that was added later on when the civilization matured probably at the same time when mandir sankruti was introduced and idol worship flourished. In ancient times, not only Hindus but the entire human race used to consume meat and that's how it was! Whether we accept it or not that is another story.

To determine if it's good to consume non-veg or not should be left to individuals and religion shouldn't have anything to do with it. Let's have people make that call based on their choice and comfort level...

Just my 2 cents!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Killer Instinct

That's something Hindus lacked all along... I would say at-least for nearly 800 years when Hindus were ruled by foreign forces.

Not anymore I guess with these surgical strikes. We Hindus must have do or die attitude for certain things so that no one can take any unnecessary advantage of us. I'm sure with this befitting reply, Pakistan will pause and think for a moment at-least! I hope they better do it or face nastier and bloodier consequences...

Well, that's how it should be, isn't it? We Hindus are otherwise nice people but when someone messes up with us, we'll not hold back. Why should we?? That's what out ancient Vedas and Shastras teach us. It is our dharma to fight with our enemies until our death.

There is no concept of non-violence and not first attack in our ancient religion! Non-violence, vegetarianism and idol worship were introduced to Hindu philosophy later in civilization. They weren't part of ancient Vedic Hindu civilization i.e .Sanatan dharma. Anyone who is interested to find this out can check these claims into Vedas and Shastras.

Come on Hindus, show the enemies what civilization we come from and who our forefathers were!

Jai Hind!!

Long Live India!!!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Non-violance and Hinduism

Ever since I was child, I used to think the rationale of this mindset. We may believe in non-violence but what if the other person attacks us? Mahatma Gandhi said that if British soldier slaps on one cheek, you should present the other to be slapped and eventually the soldier will get tired on slapping and spare you.

What type of philosophy is this? In my opinion and due respect to Gandhi, it is sheer idiotism! Why would one want to lose self-esteem and live the entire life like that? I think it defeats the purpose of dignity and one's esteem. What if where you work, the boss everyday humiliates you and attacks on your self esteem forget about physical assault on you?

I'm surprised that such philosophy is taught in Indian schools. I can't imagine what type of generations it will produce by nurturing with this philosophy. I would say this is Congress philosophy, it is neither Aryan philosophy nor ancient Indian philosophy. This thought process is simply a crap and I denounce it from my heart!

I think we Hindus must never lose our self esteem. We should rather die fighting than to bow to somebody else to get his mercy. The lion would prefer to die rather than eating grass. It is the temperament of people that would nurture future generations. The philosophy and mindset need to change from time to time. The things that were applicable thousands or hundreds of years ago aren't applicable now. It shouldn't be!! It is common sense and things must change and people should adapt to new things that make sense in order to survive.
Indian and Hindus must come out of this mentality and get more aggressive rather than defensive. Any more Uri attack shouldn't tolerated and a staunch response must be give to Pakistan. This is enough... A nation's goodness shouldn't be taken as weakness and the misconception needs to be corrected sooner than later.

Jai Hind!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Uri attack...

Now what's the aftermath? Many Hindus have started talking about it and repercussions of it! What India should do to deal with this crisis? Attack on Pakistan or cut diplomatic ties with China etc...

Guess what?? I can tell you one thing as a Hindu. Nothing will happen... Why?? Because that's what has happened in history so far. Those who want to do anything don't talk - that's easy to understand and people who keep talking hardly do anything... I'm ashamed of Hindus' cowardice even if it comes down to their own existence.

Hindus, awake, arise and continue until your goal is reached as Swami Vivekanand has said... It is your dharma to fight enemies in this circumstance so do it. Don't get on TV and give statements to media for cheap publicity. Do something and the rest of the world will see what has been done! India has suffered a lot in the hands of Muslims, Western powers etc and the same goes on...

Disgusting on us as a society.

Jai Hind!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Religion & Aggression

I think sometimes is there any correlation between religion and aggression? The more I think about it, I tend to conclude that the answer is yes. You may initially be surprised how come? But I'll cite an example -

If you take Hinduism then Hindus in ancient times were considered aggressive people. Well, at-least that's what we know as of today or that is something taught to us! As time passed, there was conversion to Buddhism and eventually to Islam (conversion to Christianity and other religions were minor so I won't discuss it).

When people converted to Islam, it is same race of people but you can see that the overall aggression has increased. We Hindus boast all the time that we are peace-loving people but the reality is we don't have guts to be aggressive and that relates to the religion itself.

As there is no provision within Hinduism to convert people, we traditionally are non-aggressive people. Non-aggressive and peace-loving nature may be good if other races believe in same attribute and value it. It is a weakness when other ethnic groups perceive it as a weakness and do not appreciate it. Therefore, we Hindus must become more aggressive to combat with these other race/religion people in order to survive. We must not forget that the fittest would survive in the end.

I'm convinced that there cannot be peace without addressing all inherent issues and to address those issues, one must confront them head-on and if you do that, then there will be disagreement that would result into skirmishes and one must deal with them with some force and aggression. There cannot be peace without a war first! It just isn't possible...

Think on it Hindus!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What is Hindu nation?

Hindu nation?? The so-called seculars might get scared by hearing this word!!

When Sangh refers this word, they mean Hindu culture and not Hindu religion. In Hindu nation, everyone who claims their descent to Indus civilization irrespective of religion that they practice today is included. The issue is the word - Hindu! Hindu is used interchangeably for civilization and religion, that's why the confusion arises!

Whatever happened in the past, happened for a reason. Today, we can't go back and fix what happened but what we can do is to make future better for our generations to come!

Let's make unified India where we all can say ourselves as proud Hindus meaning the people having Hindu sanskriti and ancient civilization that prospered in Indus valley! It doesn't matter what happened when and people got converted to other religions. As long as their forefathers are from same civilization, we are one irrespective of caste and religion.

Garv se kaho - hum Hindu hai! (just to clarify the word Hindu here refers to civilization and not religion)

Jai Hind!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Casteism is same as racism!

I don't know what type of society we line in? I would call Indian society hypocrate in general. Of course, there may be some exceptions here and there as always but in general the society isn't honest itself.

Here is why? I don't understand why we tolerate these nonsense Patels? I would say that let's have a full fledge war between Patels and non-Patels and fight it out - whoever wins stays and the rest has to move on. This so-called racism in the name of caste is not acceptable in 21st century. How can we Hindus stay united when the misguided boy like Hardik (I don't call him a leader) plays a caste card to gain political favour?

Certainly other non-Patels shouldn't accept such things and reject it with loud and clear message - racism has no place in 21st century in Hindu society. The caste is defined by karma and not janma. This has been portrayed in vedas as well and it must be reiterated with full vigour and without any hesitation. Someone is Patel because he or she happened to be born to Patel parents. To get a birth into any family is beyond anyone's control therefore no one is allowed to play that card. In old days, it might have happened in Hindu society and that was unfortunate.

In Hinduism, I can confidently say that it was never meant to assign the caste by birth. The intention of casteism was totally different. Unfortunately, some people used it for their own benefit but we shouldn't allow it anymore going forward. That's what we all can certainly do if we stand united in the name of religion and not caste.

Hindu jage, vishwa jage!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Prime Minister Modi's Degree

Constitutionally Prime Minister's position doesn't require any formal degree. Who cares PM Modi's degree is real or fake when people of India elected him with majority? I can't believe that Kejriwal invented the issue out of nothing and is still trying to mislead people of India.

He did the same before an elections. He blamed Sheela Dixit for corruption and all that blah blah blah and when he got the power, he did nothing. Well, actually he can't do anything without proof and he has no proof. He did exactly the same thing for PM Modi's degree and he is doing exactly the same thing to get into power in Punjab. People of Punjab, be careful of him! If you still like him and want to vote for him, I've no problem. You can do whatever you want but I wanted to bring it to your attention and then it's your choice.

No other CM of any state in India released any statement for PM's degree. I assume they all have work to do in their states but this Kejri is amazing!!! He has nothing to do except propagandas. Tell me what he has actually done after coming into power. This guy is a stuntman who would utter the nonsense to be remain in limelight and get publicity out of it. I don't understand when the universities confirmed that the degree is real, what's his issue? What about him who got admission into IIT without JEE scores?

One needs to understand this kumar in first name or middle name is a common thing in Gujarati people and when getting that translated into English from Gujarati and vice versa, sometimes kumar gets dropped or added in. There is no issue with it. In foreign countries also, it's very common to say Mike to Michael, Bill to William, Pat to Patrick, Bob to Robert and Dick to Richard. Is it something an issue?

Plus the look of a degree certificate?? If you lose it and apply for new one today, it will be on a new paper isn't it? What's the issue with it? Mr Kejriwal, stop making fools of Indian people and concentrate on getting the work done for Delhi without wasting more time into these gimmicks! You had a doubt if Mr Modi really earned those degrees legitimately and the respective universities have confirmed that so the issue is closed now.

Don't prolong it any further in the best interest of people of India and move on! I was never an issue but you made it look like an issue without any proof. By this whole episode, I've to say you seem to be an idiot and I've to question your judgement and soundness of your decisions! I challenge you to prove otherwise to the people of India otherwise I've to believe what I see from your drama...

Jai Hind!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Patel andolan - Heights of craziness

This is ridiculous guys. Patels are taking the law into their hands and trying to intimidate the government due to their sheer numbers! That type of mentality and intention must be defeated. Honestly speaking they are not qualified for any kind of reservation and if they get anything, that would be the start of disintegration of Gujarat.

I'm not sure why other thoughtful Patels do not speak up against this nonsense started by some handful of idiots. I appeal to all Gujarati non-Patels to get united and start non-cooperation movement against Patels. Let's boycott them for and from everything that we do in our day-to-day life.

Let's not get afraid of this racist casteist gesture and fight until our death to defeat this idea of reservation.

Shame on you Patels!

Jai Jai Garvi Gujarat!

Thursday, April 7, 2016


I was under the impression that in general Hindus aren't fanatic. But I have to admit I was wrong. I've met with so many Hindus who don't even know what are the principles is Hinduism are racist, fanatics and argue based on just things that they think are correct and as per Hinduism!

I've to say such type of people exist in each society and religion. Sadly Hindus aren't excluded. But in all these, I think other people make mistake to generalize that this is RSS thought. I have to make it clear fanatism has nothing to do with RSS. In fact, I've met many people who have nothing to do with RSS are more fanatic than someone who is RSS member.

RSS has a thought for Hindu rashtra. Meaning it has nothing to do with Hinduism but Hindu rashtra meaning people who are from Hind region (meaning native people living Indus civilization) irrespective of their religion in modern age. Meaning any Muslim, Christian, Jain or Buddhist who is from Indian subcontinent is Hindu because he is native to India. Let's not forget that Hindus is not a religion, it is way of life. Hinduism is so flexible that it cannot fit into typical definition of any religion.

I don't understand why people have a tendency to generalize somebody based on their affiliation to a particular religion. I do believe that there could some general comments or characteristics you could derive but at the end of the day, it has to be reviewed on case by case basis because God has created everyone unique!

Sare jahan se achchha Hindustan hamara!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

An Open Letter To Kanaihya Kumar

Brother Kanaihya,

As an Indian, I consider you my brother and not an enemy even if we fundamentally disagree on many things. Let me start with one by one.

Why do you think the honest Indian tax payers should pay for education for people like you who have opted to be poor and then cry about poverty. Come on, you are born into Bhumihar Brahmin family that is considered forward caste in Bihar but your forefathers chose not to study hard, work hard and now they are getting the fruits of it in terms of poverty. Did anyone prevent your father and brothers not to get professional education? That communist concept that someone pays for somebody's education because he is coming from poor family is crap. It doesn't even exist in foreign countries. You must be responsible to fund for your own education. Agreed, the government should set up some facilities so that prospective students can get loans etc. But again then the point comes down to repaying it back.

Guys like you will cry foul when it comes down to pay back that education loan. First of all, who will give you a job even if you do Ph. D in some subject that you are doing now? It's merely time pass for people like you and that gives you plenty of time to advocate for things you advocate for now. Have you appeared in any competitive exam in India? If yes, what was your standing? After completing your Ph. D, the only choice left for people like you is to join academics. So that you can continue doing this carp and bash the government for your life.

Let me ask you this - you have complained about lot of things and any reasonable person would agree with you that you are right. I too agree that we must set free from corruption, casteism, inequality etc... But do you have any plan to abolish it or is it mere propaganda that you are creating to topple the government? You said that you believe in democracy, right? Do not forget that this government has been democratically elected by people of India for people of India. Have some respect about Indian constitution that you are saying you are trying to protect.

I'm just wondering have you ever visited any country other than India? Your so called communist friends of China, North Korea or Cuba? You keep referring to Lenin, Stalin and Khruschov... Have you ever visited Russia? Have you ever thought why communism has failed in rest of the world? Dude, if you haven't thought so, think on it now!!! The answer is communism takes away competitiveness of people which is essence of human existence. You can't feed lazy buggers for the life in the pretext of communism. Why US has thrived so far??? I'm not saying US is perfect but it promotes competitiveness due to capitalism.

Communism is a failed philosophy. It hasn't worked anywhere in the work and it won't work in India. Racism or Castism (or Jatiwad as you call it) exist everywhere in the world. You need to go out and look for yourself. The reason India is tolerating guys like you is because India truly respects religious freedom and democratic values to express anyone freely. It is very easy to condemn and make disparaging remarks for other but put yourself into others' shoes and ask yourself - what have you done for the country? If you have any gut, you will get the answer.

And as I said earlier, we disagree on many things but let me tell you that if you have any solid plans to eradicate poverty, casteism, bribery from India, please put your platform in front of others so that other people can think that you are a real person with concrete plans. Just merely condemning the Hindus because you happen to disagree with them in nothing but pure racism and casteism. You have a right to disagree with someone, others have that same right to disagree with you by virtue of Indian constitution. However, I'll not fall down like you and disparage you. I'll just we happen to differ in our opinions and convictions for India but at the end of a day, we both are sons of Bharat Mata.

Jai Hind!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

What is Nationalism/Hinduism/Secularism?

As we all see now-a-days, there is lot of discussion on defining nationalism/Hinduism and secularism. I don't think it can be defined in any way and any definition can fit the ideology.

Let's be upfront - Neither RSS nor BJP can define what is nationalism because nationalism supersedes any political party and any organization. I mean who are they to give certificates on who is considered Hindu or India? I call myself Indian too! Do I have to prove it to anyone because I differ in my ideas with you. Since you are a mob and I happen to disagree you, I'm being labelled as anti-national?

We keep hearing lot of things about JNU controversy. Who knows what is the truth? Let's not get in between with law. The police is investigating the truth and let them do their work. The court is there to give justice based on evidences and I've total faith in Indian judiciary. Let them do their work! Indian media has no clue about their role and everyone wants to be perceived as messiah to some caste or group of people. Simply ignore them!!! Ignorance is much better punishment than condemning someone... When you ignore someone, the message is you aren't worthy enough to be condemned. The smart person will get the message and if the person doesn't get it then who cares? He isn't even that intellectual to get it... Move on!!!

I feel that the type of discussions that are going on today aren't healthy for India as a country. The Left ideology is trying to get advantage of innocent Indians (like it did in history many times) in the name of caste!! People shouldn't forget in communism, the power is resided with a group of people only meaning it is totalitarian approach. The mass just has to follow what a bunch of people believes or thinks - they have no say whatsoever. Do not forget the example of China and North Korea where an average person has no say. Do you think that things will be different in India if communists come into power? Do not get trapped with that ideology!! It has been tired in many European countries and failed. Basically it's a failed concept and if you study China, Cuba and North Korea as well, it is exactly not communism but more capitalism in China and dictatorism in Cuba and North Korea.

Some morons incite people in the name of caste and bash Hinduism. I can tell you that casteism exists everywhere in the world. The name could be different but it's same thing. Do you think the Queen of England has the same caste as a farmer in rural England? If you don't believe me, go and check yourself. So, don't get trapped at the incitement of Left. They want to do this to come to power.

Jai Hind!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

JNU Controversy

I don't understand why do we have controversies for such issues? If someone is anti India, should they been punished to the highest extent of law? Why do we tolerate this nonsense as fellow Indians? Why do politicians politicize it? Simple - if anyone doesn't like to live in India as India, go out. That should be the message as an Indian.

I've failed to understood why there is misperception that RSS is pro-Hindu organization? Because I know it is not. What it is doing is advocating Sanatan dharma that has been on Indian sub-continent ever since the civilization existed. A question is why RSS has failed to attract people from all castes? If it was successful in that, may be we don't have to deal with these so called Marxist, communists and other red wing organizations?

Something each true Hindu should think. And when I say Hindu, I mean everyone who originates from east of Sindhu river. It doesn't matter which religion he follows today. Everyone is Hindu in my mind who claims South Asian ancestry.

And one more thing - Kejriwal and RaGa, please stop spreading intolerance when it comes down to national pride. STOP PLAYING POLITICS FOR NATIONAL ISSUES THAT HAS DIRECT IMPACT ON OUR NATION! Elections are won and lost but that shouldn't at the cost of national spirit. The fundamental of democracy is to work with elected government for betterment of nation, not just blindly oppose everything that the government does. You both are smart guys so don't get distracted by your idiot advisors!

Jai Hind!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Why Hinduism declined?

As a proud Hindu, whenever I think about Hinduism it makes me sad. It's not pain to see Hinduism couldn't flourish as it should having all good qualities but it is painful to see how brutally it was attacked and what it had to go through?

Do you think who might be behind all that? I don't think one can blame others. I would say that because of us Hindus, we had to go through all that. You can blame others if you can't pass the exam or win the match. You have to introspect yourself and try to be better so that you could do that eventually.

When other religions came, I think Hindus were too placid in boasting themselves. We also do that all the time citing out great heritage. True, I'm not denying that but great past doesn't guarantee prosperous future same way as past performance of stocks do not guarantee good results for future. It all started with Buddhism and continues even now.

I haven't understood myself why a person thinks to convert? Actually, for that matter why someone has to convert? What that person is going to get from other religion that he is not getting from his current religion? Question to think for us Hindus. I think the deep roots are in casteism. Being a Brahmin myself, I can't think of nay other things. I think people lost the rationale for casteism as the time passed by. Castes were created to make day-to-day things easier for the society in those days. I don't think there was any purpose other than that. In no way, it was meant to say that Brahmins are superior to other castes because that's not just true.

I would love to hear your thoughts. Any other point of view?