Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What is Hindu nation?

Hindu nation?? The so-called seculars might get scared by hearing this word!!

When Sangh refers this word, they mean Hindu culture and not Hindu religion. In Hindu nation, everyone who claims their descent to Indus civilization irrespective of religion that they practice today is included. The issue is the word - Hindu! Hindu is used interchangeably for civilization and religion, that's why the confusion arises!

Whatever happened in the past, happened for a reason. Today, we can't go back and fix what happened but what we can do is to make future better for our generations to come!

Let's make unified India where we all can say ourselves as proud Hindus meaning the people having Hindu sanskriti and ancient civilization that prospered in Indus valley! It doesn't matter what happened when and people got converted to other religions. As long as their forefathers are from same civilization, we are one irrespective of caste and religion.

Garv se kaho - hum Hindu hai! (just to clarify the word Hindu here refers to civilization and not religion)

Jai Hind!!!

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