Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Who is Hindu?

Yes I'm Hindu... A proud Hindu... But at the same time, I'm a person who respects every religion and thought that makes a human being feel closer to the God...

God is a phenomenon in my opinion... Some call is sakar and some call it nirakar and there is a disagreement on that and the discussion is endless. Sadly, millions of people got killed in the name of God...

In ancient India, the region east of river Hindu (for Sindhu) was called Hind. The Persians were pronouncing S as H (similar to San Jose if you know how to pronounce it). And anyone who is from that region was known as Hindu - meaning resident of east of Sindhu river. Hindu is lifestyle in a nutshell which is very loosely defined. There were a set of things that were suggested as a guideline if anyone follows any of it, he was called a hindu. You don't have to do anything specific to be called yourself a hindu. You are just born in that community and you are called a hindu.

Then time progressed and generations changed. People starting thinking about self realization and the concept of God came into existence. What is God after all? Is it Bhagwan or Allah or Jesus or anything else you may want to call him? In my opinion, God is one - no matter what you want to call it. Same like English people call water, Spanish people call aqua, Gujarati people call pani, in Sanskrit it is called neer, waari, jal, toyam etc it refers to the same thing, but the person who doesn't know the other language won't understand the other people and him are actually referring to the same thing.

The same way hindus don't realize when muslims call Allah, they are actually calling Bhagwan and vice versa unless one understands the other language. The point is whoever is from east of Sindhu is Hindu - it doesn't matter which religion he follows... The religion came into existence to get near to the God and that too much after human race came into existence. Keep in mind different people have different concepts on what they call God and let me tell you that they all are RIGHT!!! The beauty of this concept (i.e. GOD) is nobody is WRONG!!! If you make different ornaments from gold (like earring, bangles, chain, ring etc) and the fact is they all have gold, the same way you do any ritual in the name of God and it will reach to the God!!!

Only thing is you must do it with pure heart... Let's not fight over religion because in the end it leads to the ONE and the SAME.

1 comment:

  1. Your thoughts are great.
    Views are excellent.......proving to lead us to the only ONE.
