Thursday, March 31, 2016

An Open Letter To Kanaihya Kumar

Brother Kanaihya,

As an Indian, I consider you my brother and not an enemy even if we fundamentally disagree on many things. Let me start with one by one.

Why do you think the honest Indian tax payers should pay for education for people like you who have opted to be poor and then cry about poverty. Come on, you are born into Bhumihar Brahmin family that is considered forward caste in Bihar but your forefathers chose not to study hard, work hard and now they are getting the fruits of it in terms of poverty. Did anyone prevent your father and brothers not to get professional education? That communist concept that someone pays for somebody's education because he is coming from poor family is crap. It doesn't even exist in foreign countries. You must be responsible to fund for your own education. Agreed, the government should set up some facilities so that prospective students can get loans etc. But again then the point comes down to repaying it back.

Guys like you will cry foul when it comes down to pay back that education loan. First of all, who will give you a job even if you do Ph. D in some subject that you are doing now? It's merely time pass for people like you and that gives you plenty of time to advocate for things you advocate for now. Have you appeared in any competitive exam in India? If yes, what was your standing? After completing your Ph. D, the only choice left for people like you is to join academics. So that you can continue doing this carp and bash the government for your life.

Let me ask you this - you have complained about lot of things and any reasonable person would agree with you that you are right. I too agree that we must set free from corruption, casteism, inequality etc... But do you have any plan to abolish it or is it mere propaganda that you are creating to topple the government? You said that you believe in democracy, right? Do not forget that this government has been democratically elected by people of India for people of India. Have some respect about Indian constitution that you are saying you are trying to protect.

I'm just wondering have you ever visited any country other than India? Your so called communist friends of China, North Korea or Cuba? You keep referring to Lenin, Stalin and Khruschov... Have you ever visited Russia? Have you ever thought why communism has failed in rest of the world? Dude, if you haven't thought so, think on it now!!! The answer is communism takes away competitiveness of people which is essence of human existence. You can't feed lazy buggers for the life in the pretext of communism. Why US has thrived so far??? I'm not saying US is perfect but it promotes competitiveness due to capitalism.

Communism is a failed philosophy. It hasn't worked anywhere in the work and it won't work in India. Racism or Castism (or Jatiwad as you call it) exist everywhere in the world. You need to go out and look for yourself. The reason India is tolerating guys like you is because India truly respects religious freedom and democratic values to express anyone freely. It is very easy to condemn and make disparaging remarks for other but put yourself into others' shoes and ask yourself - what have you done for the country? If you have any gut, you will get the answer.

And as I said earlier, we disagree on many things but let me tell you that if you have any solid plans to eradicate poverty, casteism, bribery from India, please put your platform in front of others so that other people can think that you are a real person with concrete plans. Just merely condemning the Hindus because you happen to disagree with them in nothing but pure racism and casteism. You have a right to disagree with someone, others have that same right to disagree with you by virtue of Indian constitution. However, I'll not fall down like you and disparage you. I'll just we happen to differ in our opinions and convictions for India but at the end of a day, we both are sons of Bharat Mata.

Jai Hind!

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