Monday, November 14, 2016

What is Dharma?

Well, if somebody asks you this question you would naturally respond to it like Hindu, Jain, Sikh, Budhdhist, Muslim, Christian, Parsi or whatever. I'll say that dharma is not same as religion. The context the word has been used in sanatan dharma and Hindu scriptures is to say duty.

Yes, dharma is about duty and not religion. When Arjun asked the question to Shree Krishna at battlefield of Mahabharat, Lord Krishna gave him teachnings through Bhagwad-Gita. There he mentioned that it is Arjun's duty to fight this war against adharma. What does this mean? Has anyone really thought on it? In those days, there was only one dhrma - Sanatan - and that's it! The word Hindu came into prominence when other religions were created or flourished or proliferated.

This is in line with the duties assigned to a caste. Kshtriya's dharma is to fight, Brahmin's dharma is to give education, Vaishya's dharma is to do business and farming and Shudra's dharma is to engage into trades. The caste system was also created in this line as one can see now. I'm convinced there was no intention to say one caste is higher over another whoever formed it. Unfortunately and sadly that message was forgotten and we're here today!

Never mind, whatever happened happened in the past and we can't change it! But, now we all must make sure that we don't judge the other person based on his/her caste and religious affiliations. A human is a human and that's what matters!!!

Jai Hind!

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