Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Nehru - A real villian?

I don't think so... All these bashing against our first and former Prime Minister! I mean anyone can disparage anybody by saying something but the reality is the decisions have to be reviewed with the context.

None of us is able to go back into the history in 1940s and make those decisions the same way. I mean we all make decisions based on certain knowledge, criteria, available information and context of time. It is imprudent to say that Nehru made wrong decisions and had Sardar Patel became the first Prime Minister of India, things would have been different.

With this Patel andolan in front of us, I am compelled to think that this is also Patel agenda. I'm convinced that Sardar was ordinary man like us and no extraordinary man. Had he done this, had he done that things would have been different. Who knows?? Entire Kashmir might have been gone if Sardar had made other decisions or may be not!!!

Well, the point is there is no point in arguing about probabilities. The reality is today and we have to face it. I think it is Patels who have made Sardar Patel as hero more than he is deserved to be. I'm sure they will also make Hardik Patel a hero. Why??? Because it is their mindset. They are like herd of sheeps who gets steered only by their caste members - Patels....

The most racist and disgusting caste I've ever seen... I've to say that there are always exceptions and there will be exceptions everywhere. All Patels are not racist but one can conclude that most (even in their unconscious mind). That is the reason why they are giving hard time to Modi and Amit Shah...

My question is if Patel community cannot produce leaders like Modi and Shah, why they need to belittle them without any real issue?? Because they are not Patels??? My sincere appeal to other community is to get united and give befitting reply to this nonsense caste based ideology.

It had no place in ancient Hindu society and such mentality has no place in today's society either. Some thing to think upon!!!!

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