Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Casteism - shame on Hindusim

I firmly believe that castes were created for betterment of society in ancient time and the intention of that was to have some rules and regulations to govern the society in that time. I don't think it was ever intended the son of a king would be the king and the son of a Brahmin would be a Brahmin!

The caste was to define by karma and it cannot be inherited. Unfortunately, it became inheritance and we all see the results today! Had it been by karma as envisioned by its creators, I am sure Hinduism must have been stronger.

All atrocities that Hindus experiences from Islam, Christianity and even Jainism and Buddhism would have been better responded had Hindus were not divided in the name of caste. As we see even today, caste is very relevant and people define themselves based on their caste. The question is - is ii in our hand to choose the caste? If the destiny cannot be changed for that matter, how come a person can boast of one's caste? He just happens to be born in a particular caste.

Due to rigid and unpractical caste definition, a lot of conversion has happened from Hinduism. In my opinion, the major reason for downfall of Hinduism is this parochial casteism that was never intended by its creators! It has done so wrong in Hindu religion that now Hindus distinguish them by castes and one caste is an enemy of other caste!

Hindus, I ask you to think over it and come out from this rigid casteism that doesn't make sense in today's world! Casteism should be dividing Hindus but it should be a way to unite Hindus based on their choice of profession (karma)!

Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached!! (Kathopnishad)

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