Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Casteism - shame on Hindusim

I firmly believe that castes were created for betterment of society in ancient time and the intention of that was to have some rules and regulations to govern the society in that time. I don't think it was ever intended the son of a king would be the king and the son of a Brahmin would be a Brahmin!

The caste was to define by karma and it cannot be inherited. Unfortunately, it became inheritance and we all see the results today! Had it been by karma as envisioned by its creators, I am sure Hinduism must have been stronger.

All atrocities that Hindus experiences from Islam, Christianity and even Jainism and Buddhism would have been better responded had Hindus were not divided in the name of caste. As we see even today, caste is very relevant and people define themselves based on their caste. The question is - is ii in our hand to choose the caste? If the destiny cannot be changed for that matter, how come a person can boast of one's caste? He just happens to be born in a particular caste.

Due to rigid and unpractical caste definition, a lot of conversion has happened from Hinduism. In my opinion, the major reason for downfall of Hinduism is this parochial casteism that was never intended by its creators! It has done so wrong in Hindu religion that now Hindus distinguish them by castes and one caste is an enemy of other caste!

Hindus, I ask you to think over it and come out from this rigid casteism that doesn't make sense in today's world! Casteism should be dividing Hindus but it should be a way to unite Hindus based on their choice of profession (karma)!

Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached!! (Kathopnishad)

Friday, September 25, 2015

An Opportunist - Mr Hardik Patel

Bhai Hardik,

You started "Patel Anamat Andolan" to give reservation to your Patel brothers and sisters, right? What happened to it, Bhai? You will be campaigning in Bihar for Nitish against BJP in coming weeks. Why so? You had mentioned that people should throw stones at you if you ever enter into Politics! Now, if you really want people to do that you should get available to be stoned but you are absconding from Gujarati people and police!!!

Look, don't try to bullshit around and make people fools! You are 22 and may have mind of 12 year old. That doesn't mean that everyone falls in the same boat! There are billions of people like you and smarter than you who have walked this earth before and exist even today. The reality is you have started this andolan for your own personal gain so that you get some sort of career for yourself... Otherwise you are just B Com pass, who is going to give you a job when millions of engineers are struggling to get a decent job in India?

What happened to Modi protest in US? You were to incite those Patels in US against Modi in the name of Patidars? Look, Sardar Patel was a personality who was above any caste. Don't use his name to justify your mean spirited agendas!

I ask you to stop playing with innocent people's emotions as it is not only unfair but very dangerous for you! People have seen your true intentions now and you have lost the support from most common Patel men and women... The sooner you understand this fact, the better it is for you to move on in your life. Casteism is defined in Hinduism from Karma, not by birth! You think it is your achievement that you are born as a Patel - that is Jats (basically farmers) of Gujarat?

I feel pity on you that your play isn't going to be successful as the truth has already been revealed so before it gets really ugly I ask you to come out of this deadly game!!

Jai Hind!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

God is sakar or nirakar?

This is one of the biggest dilemma to every child whenever he or she is taught about religion. I remember very well when I was a kid and I was introduced to Hinduism, this question arose to my mind and the more I started to think about it, the more I got confused with.

What is God?? Is it someone like a human being who is sitting far from us and controlling this earth? Is it some cosmic energy that controls the existence of all living beings? Does it have a shape or it is formless??

Whatever it is, at the end of the day I'm convinced that no one can answer that question with surety including religious leaders. Whenever you bring up this question, you will get an answer like it all depends on your "shradhdha".. That means they can't prove it but it's my problem that I can't accept their point of view.

So many wars have been fought in the name of God!! And the people who have fought those wars have no clue who is God and how does it look? I've found one interesting observation though!

I think the mandir sanskriti came to Hinduism from around 3rd - 4th century AD. Until then, Hindus were traditionally doing yagna etc... Lord Krishna and Ram lived many thousands of years before that but there is no record of any mandir that goes beyond 3rd century AD. So the question that comes to my mind is were Hindus really worshipping idols from the beginning or this is something that was introduced to Hinduism at a later date?

I tend to think that idol worshipping was introduced to Hinduism after temples were built.. The logic is simple - as these big temples were created, there has to be something in it so that people keep coming and there is nothing better than putting God in it... That's how Hindus became idol worshippers...

There is nothing wrong in worshipping idols in my opinion however it came with a big toll... Idol worshipping made Hindus weak in general and took out most aggression from them. If you read the history in detail of South Asian continent, you will realize why I'm saying so. Even during our Independence movement, the persons who were idol worshippers took side with Gandhiji for non-violence movement whereas there was a class of people who did not believe in non-violence movement and they were proposing violent struggle with English to kick them out of India. If you note who these people were - you will see that most of them were Aryasamajis or Sikhs or Muslims. All them are no idol worshippers!!!

I'm not saying this is absolutely true... There are always exceptions in life but you have to draw some generalizations then you have to conclude that it seems idol worshipping has made Hindus less aggressive over time otherwise Hindus were very aggressive race before 3rd century AD and you  can verify it from history... Of course, Hinduism had some influence and struggles in that time due to proliferation of Jainism and Budhdhism but still I think introduction of idol worship is one of the factors in taking away aggression from Hindus...

Jai Hind!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


One story has been doing rounds since Modi took over reins of Delhi with a landslide victory and that is, we need a strong opposition for vibrant Democracy... For this PAID media has been looking for some 'messiah' that can provide them 'cover fire' .. They failed with Nitish, Akhilesh experiment. And Pappu was their biggest disappointment. Finally they had their Messiah in 'Mahatma' Kejri !!!... The so called saviour of Democracy gave it's taste of 'mob'ocracy to Gujarat in last few days...

AAP's 'kranti sena' have started importing Anarchist ways of life for normally peaceful & business friendly community in Gujarat... And we had our own share of Chaos, Friction & Anarchy through Dharna, Drama, Debate and Agitation. The end result was Death & Destruction in Gujarat. I have kept opposing Kejriwal's way of doing politics precisely for this reason...

There is no society in the world, including those in U.S. & Europe, which is free from problems.. They have their own share of cultural and social issues. There is no country in the world, including the most developed in North America & Europe, free from political and development related issues... The most tragic part in India is, Communists & Naxalites exploit public grievances and turn them against ruling Government. If some Civic amenities are lacking, declare a war on the Government. If there are issues related to social welfare scheme, blame the present day Government. If certain development issues are pending, take potshots at the Government. If your finances are shrinking, falling sick even, blame the Government for that... This has been a highly successful Naxalite strategy in not only turning anger against Government but even brain washing young minds & prepare them to take up arms and fight for them. I am not advocating taking away rights of citizens to protest, argue and raise fingers, but Government functioning has to be analysed objectively through proper perspective and not to be criticised just because of 'Pathological' hatred towards Modi...It's so tragic that the oldest political party of India, Congress has to resort to AAP's tactics to remain relevant. And this is Hit & Run way of doing politics. Congress along with AAP & Liars in media have been accusing Government with concocted stories without any responsibility to prove it. This has been their way of creating political space..

Just when I am writing this post, there is news that 'Gujarati Kejriwal' is now threatening to stop supply of vegetables & milk, if justice is not done with 'Patidars' !!!.. Gujaratis, welcome to  the world of Anarchy & Chaos, the AAP way... West Bengal had it's share of Anarchy for decades through Naxalites. The same is being exported to Gujarat through Delhi experiment !!!...

Even the so called 'Educated' but not necessarily 'Learned' fail to differentiate municipality level problems with those issues of National importance.. We want garbage in front of our house to be cleaned but for that we want Modi to start 'Swacch Bharat' abhiyan. Problem doesn't end there, we even want modi to come to our premises & clean up the mess.. This is our understanding of municipal level problem & national priorities.. I often ask people, if you have headache or stomach ache, do you expect the doctor to know that & visit you ??!!.. You go to the doctor to seek solution for your problem.
Recently, there was a scheme launched by central Government to give up LPG subsidy. Some Morons kept arguing that MPs don't give up their canteen subsidy, so don't expect us to give up LPG subsidy. My simple argument with such Morons is, if a doctor advices you to take brisk walk every morning, would you go on to argue that  since MPs are not doing it, I would not do it ??!!.. Giving up subsidy is essential for long term implications on Nation's economy. We don't give up LPG subsidy and expect people from OBC with stronger economical background to give up their right on reservation !!!.. We are a nation of Hypocrates...
For Oxymorons (Those who preach one thing & practice exactly the opposite) amongst us, 'Acche Din' means, AAPDE MANDIR MA BESINE MANJIRA VAGADVANA, GOVERNMENT BADHU FREE MA AAPE and MODI MARU GHAR CHALAVE...

Regarding role of Media, I strongly believe whether there is stronger opposition or not, Media (one of the 4 pillars of democracy) must be neutral & powerful. What we are witnessing today is certain Media houses in trying to be anti-BJP, have crossed all limits and have become anti-national..
We often talk  about corruption by politicians & bureaucrats but sadly, we don't discuss corruption of media houses.. The 'Krantikaris' @ AajTak & NDTV are known for their views, So are the 'DALALS' @ABP News and also the 'Ring master' of Circus @ 9.00 on Times Now...

But the most poisonous and dangerous is the vernacular dailies with which we begin our days... For almost over a month, local Gujarati news papers were spewing Venom & Poision and literally inciting passion and instigating castiest fervor through coverage of 'Patidar agitation'. The death & destruction in Gujarat is the end result of such poisonous news feeding of these news papers and Vultures of Paid media who are scavenging dead bodies. And all these went on unabated for almost over a month. Surprisingly on the Government part, there was no control over it. Newspapers can have their political leaning & affiliation depending upon their commercial interest, but they can not be allowed to go uncontrolled for their anti social & anti-national crime.. The cycle of Lies & Concocted stories by media have been going on for more than a decade now. It's time now to regulate them...

Few years back, during a vibrant Gujarat investor summit, I heard a Japanese industry minister saying, "Japan is few hundred years ahead of India, because Japan has 100 million citizens and India has got 1000 million Residents..."

This really sums up what I wanted to convey through this post.