Thursday, September 29, 2016

Killer Instinct

That's something Hindus lacked all along... I would say at-least for nearly 800 years when Hindus were ruled by foreign forces.

Not anymore I guess with these surgical strikes. We Hindus must have do or die attitude for certain things so that no one can take any unnecessary advantage of us. I'm sure with this befitting reply, Pakistan will pause and think for a moment at-least! I hope they better do it or face nastier and bloodier consequences...

Well, that's how it should be, isn't it? We Hindus are otherwise nice people but when someone messes up with us, we'll not hold back. Why should we?? That's what out ancient Vedas and Shastras teach us. It is our dharma to fight with our enemies until our death.

There is no concept of non-violence and not first attack in our ancient religion! Non-violence, vegetarianism and idol worship were introduced to Hindu philosophy later in civilization. They weren't part of ancient Vedic Hindu civilization i.e .Sanatan dharma. Anyone who is interested to find this out can check these claims into Vedas and Shastras.

Come on Hindus, show the enemies what civilization we come from and who our forefathers were!

Jai Hind!!

Long Live India!!!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Non-violance and Hinduism

Ever since I was child, I used to think the rationale of this mindset. We may believe in non-violence but what if the other person attacks us? Mahatma Gandhi said that if British soldier slaps on one cheek, you should present the other to be slapped and eventually the soldier will get tired on slapping and spare you.

What type of philosophy is this? In my opinion and due respect to Gandhi, it is sheer idiotism! Why would one want to lose self-esteem and live the entire life like that? I think it defeats the purpose of dignity and one's esteem. What if where you work, the boss everyday humiliates you and attacks on your self esteem forget about physical assault on you?

I'm surprised that such philosophy is taught in Indian schools. I can't imagine what type of generations it will produce by nurturing with this philosophy. I would say this is Congress philosophy, it is neither Aryan philosophy nor ancient Indian philosophy. This thought process is simply a crap and I denounce it from my heart!

I think we Hindus must never lose our self esteem. We should rather die fighting than to bow to somebody else to get his mercy. The lion would prefer to die rather than eating grass. It is the temperament of people that would nurture future generations. The philosophy and mindset need to change from time to time. The things that were applicable thousands or hundreds of years ago aren't applicable now. It shouldn't be!! It is common sense and things must change and people should adapt to new things that make sense in order to survive.
Indian and Hindus must come out of this mentality and get more aggressive rather than defensive. Any more Uri attack shouldn't tolerated and a staunch response must be give to Pakistan. This is enough... A nation's goodness shouldn't be taken as weakness and the misconception needs to be corrected sooner than later.

Jai Hind!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Uri attack...

Now what's the aftermath? Many Hindus have started talking about it and repercussions of it! What India should do to deal with this crisis? Attack on Pakistan or cut diplomatic ties with China etc...

Guess what?? I can tell you one thing as a Hindu. Nothing will happen... Why?? Because that's what has happened in history so far. Those who want to do anything don't talk - that's easy to understand and people who keep talking hardly do anything... I'm ashamed of Hindus' cowardice even if it comes down to their own existence.

Hindus, awake, arise and continue until your goal is reached as Swami Vivekanand has said... It is your dharma to fight enemies in this circumstance so do it. Don't get on TV and give statements to media for cheap publicity. Do something and the rest of the world will see what has been done! India has suffered a lot in the hands of Muslims, Western powers etc and the same goes on...

Disgusting on us as a society.

Jai Hind!