Wednesday, August 26, 2015

An Open Letter To Hardik Patel

Bhai Hardik,

What do you think - who are you? Let me tell you - you are the moron who has gone out to take advantage on peoples' emotions and innocence into your advantage by taking caste's name! Are you really living in 21st century? Do you consider that being born in a patel caste is your achievement? Have you done anything for that? Have you thought your foolish and thoughtless actions will take Gujarat and India to which point?? Mind you, the world and other states are laughing at you...

The name (Sardar Patel) you are taking advantage of and banking on would have ever liked this? Did he ever use caste politics when he was alive? Don't take his name in the name of caste and make him smaller!!! He was much bigger than any caste and especially people like you who haven't been outside of Gujarat and seen the world!!

Let me ask you - what's your qualifications btw - B Com? 22 years?? And lived in a small town of Gujarat until now??? There is nothing wrong with it unless you get a job or do a business and get married at this time of your life... Many normal people would have done that but abnormal people like you want to be leader?? Right??? That's why you need a mass - a big mass - to join with you in whatever bandwagon you come up... and guess what??? There is nothing easier and simpler to incite innocent people in the name of caste and play caste politics!!! Who cares for those poor unscruptures people - you will probably get a ticket for vidhan sabha or lok sabha next time, correct?? Don't take advantage of peoples' innocence for your own personal agenda!!! It is an offence that is unpardonable from moral point-of-view!

Have you ever thought what your outlook is about the world? Just come out of your own self-imposed definition of caste and look around... The world is huge and it has no place for any caste. Think of human being and human race as a whole as that's our Hindu scriptures have taught us! Can you cite any example of your caste based politics that relates to any Hindu scripture???

Shame on you!! Look your face in a mirror!! You are the one who is responsible for all innocent peoples' deaths in Gujarat. Your unthoughtfulness and illiteracy has provoked this so-called nonsense anamat andolan to this stage!! Recognize your responsibility and if you are understand anything out of this, STOP IT RIGHT AWAY as the only place for you to go after death will be hell if you help people get killed in riots by police. By having killed these many people, where else you can go??

Just stand up and do the right thing. There shouldn't be any shame to back off and do the right thing at any time whenever you wake up!!

"Jagya Tyarthi Savar!!"

In my opinion, you are responsible for all these murders... Think on it, you still have some time to correct your mistake. And if you really recognize that it is your mistake by introspecting, then it can always be forgiven as we are all human beings and we humans make mistakes...

Jai Hind! Jai Gujarat!! Jai Sardar!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Who is Hindu?

Yes I'm Hindu... A proud Hindu... But at the same time, I'm a person who respects every religion and thought that makes a human being feel closer to the God...

God is a phenomenon in my opinion... Some call is sakar and some call it nirakar and there is a disagreement on that and the discussion is endless. Sadly, millions of people got killed in the name of God...

In ancient India, the region east of river Hindu (for Sindhu) was called Hind. The Persians were pronouncing S as H (similar to San Jose if you know how to pronounce it). And anyone who is from that region was known as Hindu - meaning resident of east of Sindhu river. Hindu is lifestyle in a nutshell which is very loosely defined. There were a set of things that were suggested as a guideline if anyone follows any of it, he was called a hindu. You don't have to do anything specific to be called yourself a hindu. You are just born in that community and you are called a hindu.

Then time progressed and generations changed. People starting thinking about self realization and the concept of God came into existence. What is God after all? Is it Bhagwan or Allah or Jesus or anything else you may want to call him? In my opinion, God is one - no matter what you want to call it. Same like English people call water, Spanish people call aqua, Gujarati people call pani, in Sanskrit it is called neer, waari, jal, toyam etc it refers to the same thing, but the person who doesn't know the other language won't understand the other people and him are actually referring to the same thing.

The same way hindus don't realize when muslims call Allah, they are actually calling Bhagwan and vice versa unless one understands the other language. The point is whoever is from east of Sindhu is Hindu - it doesn't matter which religion he follows... The religion came into existence to get near to the God and that too much after human race came into existence. Keep in mind different people have different concepts on what they call God and let me tell you that they all are RIGHT!!! The beauty of this concept (i.e. GOD) is nobody is WRONG!!! If you make different ornaments from gold (like earring, bangles, chain, ring etc) and the fact is they all have gold, the same way you do any ritual in the name of God and it will reach to the God!!!

Only thing is you must do it with pure heart... Let's not fight over religion because in the end it leads to the ONE and the SAME.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Patidar reservation in 21st century - really?

Has someone even thought why we need patel anamat? If patels are in majority in just numbers, does it make them any superior than others? Frankly speaking, I'm surprised how many Gujaratis identify themselves by caste rather than being a Gujarati or an Indian?

I don't think Sardar Patel had even liked this. If we continue like this and promote a particular caste then let me tell you India's future is dark as a country. Let me tell when we call start thinking about us as a Hindu then only a nation can progress. Let's call ourselves an India  and not patel or Brahmin or bania. The caste system is a shame for hindus and let's make every effort that we don't pass it on to our next generation if we want to see strong nation in 21st century!

My viewpoint...