Tuesday, July 24, 2018

No confidence motion

We all have seen no confidence motion brought forward by TDP and supported by Congress and other allies is badly defeated. How shameless these politicians are!! Aren't they idiots and don't know their numbers and did this stunt? Instead of helping the democracy with some good work, they all decided to waste parliament's time at the expense of taxpayers' money and Indians must punish them for this senseless act and dramabaji in next election.

I say Narendra Modi is more than a saint. No wonder and his life shows that... All the bawas and sadhus that we worship today cannot even stand close to him. Look at him - what a karmayogi he is!!! I challenge Rahul and his party to do a part of what Modi does as part of his daily routine and then debate about the issues. I find it difficult to understand how Rahul can be made president of Congress party without any qualification for Politics!! And unfortunately the same is happening with Samajwadi Party, RJD, Shiv Sena and other parties. Politics shouldn't be inheritance like this and if people do not punish such leaders and parties, India will be in very bad shape in next 50 years where we see ourselves stuck with such stupid politicians.

Well, 2019 general election is less than a year away and I'm sure we'll see many exciting things before it. Mr Modi is best for India and no one can compare him. I would go further and say that we don't even have a viable option and Modi should be continued for the betterment of Indian economy and Indians' welfare - sab ka sath, sab ka vikas!

Jai Hind!!!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Trudeau's India Visit

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently visited India to increase the trade between two countries. His tour was nothing but a fiasco. Indian Prime Minister showed little warmth to welcome his counterpart due to Canada's complacent behavior to Khalistani supporters in Canada.

No sovereign country can tolerate support to separatists - be it China, Russia or anyone you can think of. It is like India supports Quebec separatists. None of Indian government ministers wanted to speak with any Canadian minister that was on tour with Trudeau. Even the Chief Ministers of various states didn't want to engage with Canadian government.

And Trudeau has to arrange a press conference in India to give a statement that Canada supports unified India. What a shame? Why would you do something that you have to clarify later? Why you chose to attend the parades in Canada where Khalistani flags were flying high? You head the government and attend such events, what message are you giving?

Don't fool the Canadian - you want the votes of those people in Canada! Don't disguise others in the name of free speech and human rights. Agreed you don't want to force your viewpoint onto others but it is free speech until it says Khalistan Zindabad... But when it says Khalistan Zindabad and Bharat Murdabad then it isn't merely free speech. It affects my human rights and it's not acceptable by any democratic standards.

Trudeau, stop this hypocrisy and show us the results!!! We'll see what you truly believe in time to come...

Why hate Brahimns?

It's been a while after I'm writing the blog again. I see many non Brahmins hate and belittle Brahmins for no reason. I haven't really understood the mentality behind that stereotype.

If you study the history of Indian subcontinent, it was Brahmins who stood up to defend the motherland from time to time. Whenever there was a foreign invasion, Brahmins were
massacred and paid the price with their lives. They themselves remained poor for centuries and many Brahmins cannot even make two ends even today. Still, they got nothing but hatred in return.

Have you ever seen a millionaire Brahmin? Hardly anyone I guess even today! If you go back and study the history of Vedic period, there were many sages who were non Brahmins but are revered even today and the same thing continues even today... Some examples are Rishi Valmiki, Rishi Vishwamitra, even Lord Budhdha and Mahavira were non Brahmins. In modern days, Sant Kabir, Sant Ravidas, Gora Kumbhar, many Swminarayan sadhus and many more...

The point I'm trying to make here is Brahmins never kept Brahminhood with themselves. Anyone can become a preacher and Guru if they acquire required skills right from when Hindu civilization started until today. Then why there is so much hatred against themselves? To me, it seems racist and casteist approach. Brahmins have never complained of it but it's unfair to them and it must stop sooner than later.

Jai Hind!